5 Popular Facial Yoga Exercises For Flawless Skin
5 popular facial yoga exercises for flawless skin
If you are looking for a natural facelift, these simple facial yoga exercises will help you achieve just that and more. Medical professionals and people who have tried them recommend these exercises as an alternative to botox and surgery. The simple movements and combination of exercises help fight the many signs of aging effectively. You don’t have to worry about any side effects or repercussions with the following exercise facial yoga exercises.
The V exercise
This exercise helps you counter the effects of drooping eyelids, eye bags, and puffiness felt in the region.

The smile smoother exercise
This particular exercise is a great alternative for popular facelift procedures that are done to the lower part of the face with occasional fillers. The procedure is done to correct disproportional cheek lines and sagging skin.
Jaw release facial yoga
Cheekbones, jawlines, and a well-toned chin are among the prominent features of your personality. The jaw release exercise is particularly effective to develop those sharp and attractive jawlines that run parallel down your face meeting perfectly at the chin bone. It is a simple movement that mimics the action of eating, minus the carbs and calories. All you have to do is move the jaw up and down in a circular motion while opening and closing your mouth to mimic the action. The exercise stretches all the muscle surrounding your lips, jaws, and cheeks. It is important to regulate your breathing during the exercise. Finally, place your tongue on the lower teeth and open the mouth wide. Repeat this five to six times to complete the facial yoga effectively and stick to routine till you achieve the desired results.
The locked tongue pose
This is another popular facial yoga technique to maintain that jawline and get sharp facial cuts to make you look younger. While sitting in the lotus position, you must place your hands comfortably on your lap and then place the tip of your tongue against the upper wall of the mouth. When in position, you must open your mouth and close it to feel a stretch in your throat and neck muscles. Note that you must breathe properly during the exercise and repeat it only a couple of time to provide a light workout for the throat and neck muscles.
The roaring lion pose
This exercise is great for a complete facial workout and proves to be an effective natural alternative to botox injections and facelift surgery. The exercise stimulates and uses most of the facial muscles to tone facial muscles. You must still perform a few small position changes to get into the roaring lion posture by kneeling down and placing your hands on the thigh. Once in position, drop your jaw and open your mouth wide to imitate a roaring lion sound from your throat. Repeat the facial yoga as per your convenience and comfort to maximize results in the long run.
Note that care should be taken while performing certain types of facial yoga and importance must be given to the breathing patterns as improper form or technique could result in muscle injury.