All you need to know about ADHD
About ADHD
Pay attention- These are the words that everyone would have heard at some point of time in their early life especially from their kindergarten teacher. However once in an adult stage people are expected to be serious and also have their concentration in its peak at all times. This is easier said than done and in some people, the situation can turn abnormal sometimes. This is the front line for the condition ADHD “ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is one of the rare conditions that affect about 3 to 4% of the population where the people are unable to concentrate or be attentive to the immediate surroundings.

Symptoms of ADHD
Some of the common symptoms of ADHD in adults can include facing difficulty in:
Following directions
Remembering Information
The above symptoms can bring complications to many aspects of your normal life and can severely curtail your day to day activities. People who are affected with ADHD may also have the symptoms of headaches, depression, mood swings, relationship problems, anger management issues, and boredom.
The finest way to address this problem is to take professional help from a psychiatrist. The crucial aspect is that as an adult if you have ADHD then it is sure that you would have endured ADHD as a child.
The treatment plan requires a joint effort and can include therapy, medications and family support. You should also ensure that when you are diagnosed with ADHD, you are not suffering from any other medical conditions. It is advisable to be open about yourself to the psychiatrist so that the best treatment plan can be formulated. The other treatment plans can include behavioral therapy, stress and anger management, family education and strength training for your brain.
There can also be many external factors that can help you in your treatment. These can include changing the environment you live in, taking a vacation, changing jobs and also indulging in your favorite pass time like sports or physical fitness. Therapists would always advise us never to be idle and to keep the brain cells occupied with some activity. Also, try to organize your work life and schedule it. Take notes of it like how you would have done as a child and start following it. Breathe slowly and move to a place where you can be yourself peacefully. More importantly be open with your peers and colleagues and try taking help always. As a principle never allow yourself to be idle.