Best Hemorrhoid Remedies that you should know about
Hemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen veins that are located in the smooth muscles of the walls of the rectum and anus, similar to blood vessels. When the walls of these vessels are stretched, they get disturbed. They are rarely dangerous and usually clear up in a couple of weeks. However, you should see your doctor to make sure it does not aggravate and become critical. Although hemorrhoids can be painful and unpleasant, they are easily treated and preventable. The best hemorrhoid remedies and the many ways to prevent hemorrhoids are provided herein.
Hemorrhoid symptoms usually depend on their locations and are classified into two general categories:

- Internal hemorrhoids originating in the rectum and not visible from outside – They are usually painless and bleeding may be their only sign.
- External hemorrhoids originating in the anus – They can be sensed when they swell, and it leads to itching or pain.
Best hemorrhoid remedies
Home treatments
- Ice packs and cold compresses
Applying these to the affected area may help with the swelling and dull the pain. - Sitz bath using warm water
A sitz bath is put directly over the toilet. Some pharmacies sell them. These may release the burning or itching symptoms. - Analgesics
Painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) may ease the pain and discomfort.
Butcher’s Broom, Pycnogenol, Horse Chestnut, Witch Hazel, and Psyllium Husk are some effective health supplements.
Cypress oil stops excess blood flow and promotes the clotting of blood. Helichrysum oil helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juices that are needed to break down food and prevent digestive issues.
It can be used for both internal and external hemorrhoids. It is one of the natural ingredients for treating. Therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help reduce the irritation of hemorrhoids. One of the best hemorrhoid remedies for external hemorrhoids is to apply a little bit of aloe vera gel to the affected area and slowly massage. This will provide relief from the burning sensation and the pain. In case of internal hemorrhoids, cut aloe vera leaves into strips and freeze the slices in a container. Rub into the affected part to relieve the pain, itching sensation, and burning.
It provides relief from hemorrhoids by strengthening the capillaries and blood vessel walls. Soak a cotton ball with squeezed lemon juice and apply it. There will be certain mild tingling or a burning sensation initially, but help from the pain will shortly follow. Mix one-half teaspoon of lemon juice, ginger juice, mint juice and honey together to get relief from the pain. Take this once a day. Drink a cup of hot milk with half a lemon. For better results, do this for every three hours.
It is used mainly for external hemorrhoid treatment. It nourishes and decreases inflammation and releases the burning and itching sensation in and around the anus. Repeat this several times a day.
Considered one of the best hemorrhoid remedies, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to treat external hemorrhoids. Take one teaspoon of olive oil daily to reduce the inflammation, and the monounsaturated fats will increase the functionality of the excretory system.
Non-surgical treatments to cure hemorrhoids
The best hemorrhoid remedies are not necessarily home-based. If home treatments are not helping with your hemorrhoids, your doctor might recommend a rubber band ligation. This procedure is a nonsurgical hemorrhoid removal technique that involves cutting off the movement of hemorrhoid by insertion of a rubber band around it.The hemorrhoid is forced to either shrink or fall off.
If rubber band ligation is not a possibility in your case, your doctor may perform injection therapy or sclerotherapy. In this procedure, a chemical solution is injected into the internal hemorrhoid, producing a scar that cuts off blood supply to the hemorrhoid.
Other options are infrared photocoagulation and electrocoagulation.
Surgical option to cure hemorrhoid
Surgery may involve a hemorrhoidectomy (complete removal of the hemorrhoids) or staple, where a prolapsed hemorrhoid is tucked back into place. These procedures are performed under general anesthesia, and most patients can go home on the same day of the surgery.
Best hemorrhoid remedies to prevent hemorrhoids from appearing are as follows.
- Eat high-fiber food, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Add fibrous food to avoid problems with gas.
- Consume plenty of water and fluid.
- Consider fiber supplements in diet and be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water or other fluids every day.
- Do not strain or hold your breath while trying to pass stool as it exerts larger pressure in the veins in the lower rectum.
- Exercise can help you to lose excess weight, prevent constipation, and reduce pressure on veins.
- Avoid long periods of sitting mainly on the toilet; this can increase the stress on the veins in the anus.
Many of these tips aid you to avoid constipation and can stop hemorrhoids as well. The best hemorrhoid remedies can be done at home. With suitable treatment, the condition can definitely improve.