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Colon Cancer: Top 3 Signs and Related Symptoms

Colon Cancer: Top 3 Signs and Related Symptoms

Cancer can affect any part of the body where there is a growth of abnormal cells which may lead to manifestations like a tumor. Colon cancer is one such kind of cancer that starts in the colon of the patient. This is the small tract that lies between the intestines and the anus.
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What causes your PSA range to go higher

What causes your PSA range to go higher

The first sign of prostate cancer can be high PSA range, but it can also indicate less-serious condition. There are many causes of high PSA range. The PSA test you take measure a protein content in your blood called prostate specific antigen. The Prostate cancer can make the PSA range to go higher but a high range of PSA does is not always because of cancer.
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Breast cancer, things to know

Breast cancer, things to know

Breast cancer can affect both men and women. In fact, this is one of the most common types of cancer to affect people. There are two categories of breast cancer; invasive cancer that spreads to surrounding tissues and non-invasive breast cancer that does not spread to the surrounding tissues. Non-invasive breast cancer is termed as stage 0 while invasive breast cancer has four stages; 1, 2, 3 and 4.
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Cancer symptoms and treatment options

Cancer symptoms and treatment options

‘Cancer’ is one word that evokes fear in anyone’s heart because it is one of the biggest killers in terms of the various diseases that hit people the world over. As per various studies conducted by medical bodies like the WHO, cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases around the world.
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Understanding the early signs and types of pancreatitis

Understanding the early signs and types of pancreatitis

Situated behind the stomach, the pancreas is a gland which releases essential digestive enzymes into the small intestine to facilitate the proper digestion of food. It also introduces hormones in the blood known as insulin and glucagon which determine how food and energy is processed. Pancreatitis, on the other hand, is a disease in which the pancreas suffers from inflammation.
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Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

While there are many kinds of cancers that both men and women may suffer from, there are certain forms of this disease that may specifically affect the reproductive organs of either the male or the female patient. Ovarian cancer is one such kind of cancer that only women suffer from and it refers to the cancer that spreads through the ovaries of the patient.
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