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A quick look at secured credit cards

A quick look at secured credit cards

Secured credit cards are those types of cards that require a cash collateral deposit. This cash deposit becomes the credit limit for that account. You may also add to the deposit if you wish to increase your credit limit. Certain banks reward you with points on your secured credit card if you maintain a good credit.
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Here’s what you need to know when getting a credit card

Here’s what you need to know when getting a credit card

If you’re looking for a credit card, shop around, don’t accept the first offer you get. There are many fees and charges that can add up to the cost of the card. Decide on how you plan to use the card, whether you’ll pay off your full dues or if you intend to carry a balance.
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Here’s what you need to know when applying for a student credit card

Here’s what you need to know when applying for a student credit card

Building a credit history is important for a number of things. These are things like getting good housing or getting a loan. But you can’t get a good credit card without having good history. But for good history, you need a credit card. So, where does this circle start and where does it end?
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Here’s how you can manage your credit card usage

Here’s how you can manage your credit card usage

A credit card is a convenience that can be a godsend for most of us. It enables cashless transactions, purchases on credit, helps manage cash flows, and get reward points and cashbacks. However, if you’re not careful, they can lead to debt and penalties that can be tough to get out of.
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Top things to look for when choosing a credit card

Top things to look for when choosing a credit card

One of the reasons why there are so many types of credits cards is that all cards are not made equal. If you can pay off the balance at the end of every month, you’ll need a card that’s different from someone who wants to carry the balance. If you use the card consistently, you may also want to pay a fee to get rewards like air transfer or shopping vouchers.
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Here’re the benefits of cash back credit cards

Here’re the benefits of cash back credit cards

There are a number of credit cards available on the market and Cash Back credit cards are one of the most popular among them all. The idea of cash back is that you’re rewarded when you use the credit card to buy things. This means that the more you spend, the more you stand to gain by way of cash back.
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