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Do’s and don’ts in domain name registration

Do’s and don’ts in domain name registration

Hosting a website is quite simple process these days. Thousands of websites are being hosted on a daily basis worldwide. They all have unique domain names which give addresses to their website. Domains are used by everyone, from personal bloggers to multi-national business houses, free websites to paid websites, etc.
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Top 5 free international conference calling services

Top 5 free international conference calling services

Development in technology has brought us all closer than ever. We can stay connected every single minute, irrespective of where we are located. This luxury brought about several services and networks all of whom have been competing to bring to us the best possible services including fast, cheap and strong connections.
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4 reasons you should learn how to create an app

4 reasons you should learn how to create an app

Almost every single person has a smartphone today. Because of this, there are millions of apps out there today. If there’s something you want, there’s probably an app for it as well. Pretty much every business and hobby has an app today. It’s not just games and productivity tools. Anyone can create and upload an app onto an app store.
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Create a website by following these simple steps

Create a website by following these simple steps

Have an idea for a website, but don’t know where to start? Here are easy steps that you can follow to create a web site. Establish your platform: Websites cannot go live and function the way you want them to irrespective of the type of content without a content management system or CMS for short.
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Popular free and paid domains for creating your website

Popular free and paid domains for creating your website

Creating a website today is as easy as creating a profile for any of your social media pages. With many free and paid tools available at the click of a button, all you need is a good idea and great content. Content is king in today’s media, which is why more and more domains and platforms are offering free and premium services for people out there who want to create a web site.
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Learn about the HD revolution in detail

Learn about the HD revolution in detail

The optical fiber has taken over, and it is being deployed worldwide. You are not going to see all IP enabled set-top boxes anymore because they are replaced by the DVB standard. There is no shortage of innovations, and researchers are spending a lot of time and effort to design more and more innovative televisions into the market.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Credit unions that have the best 5-year CD rates in the market