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Low platelets count – Its causes and symptoms

Low platelets count – Its causes and symptoms

The main function of platelets is to prevent bleeding and maintain the red blood cells count by clotting the blood in case of wound or injury to the body. The normal platelet per microliter is between 150,000 to 350,000. Because platelets are a very tiny, they make up a very small fraction in the blood volume.
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4 common enlarged spleen symptoms to watch out for

4 common enlarged spleen symptoms to watch out for

A fist-sized organ, the spleen is known as the guardian of the lymph system that protects the body against a whole lot of infections, viruses, bacteria, dead tissues, foreign matter, and harmful pathogens. The major functions of the spleen include producing antibodies, keeping the blood clean, transporting and balancing fluid levels, and maintaining blood platelets.
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Home remedies to ease enlarged spleen symptoms

Home remedies to ease enlarged spleen symptoms

Enlarged spleen causes several complications including infections, blood diseases, liver problems, issues with the lymph system, and the like. Enlarge spleen symptoms are usually treated according to the severity of the condition. While limiting movement can help curb enlarged spleen symptoms for some, people with drastic enlargement may have to resort to surgery.
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Plantar warts – Causes and treatments

Plantar warts – Causes and treatments

Plantar warts are hard growth on the top layers of the skin, and it is caused by a viral infection. Plantar warts appear on the heels or balls of the feet, and these can be cured at home as well. Although plantar warts go away within a few months or weeks, home remedies for plantar wart removal can also be time-consuming.
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Taking a closer look at causes if a transient ischemic attack

Taking a closer look at causes if a transient ischemic attack

Transient ischemic attack or TIA has similar symptoms like that of a heart attack but only lasts for a few minutes. Although transient ischemic attack does not cause any enduring damage, the symptoms can be threatening. It is also known as a mini stroke, but a transient ischemic attack can be an alarm that a person needs to be aware of the underlying health condition.
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Health conditions that lead to transient ischemic attack

Health conditions that lead to transient ischemic attack

A stroke that lasts for a temporary period without a permanent damage is known as a transient ischemic attack. This medical condition arises when the blood supply to the brain is blocked. Although the condition is for a temporary period, the symptoms are similar to that of a heart attack.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

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