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Health risks that follow from sleep apnea

Health risks that follow from sleep apnea

A good night’s sound sleep is a sign of good health. Irregular sleep causes many health issues. OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) is one such common disorder which has been seen in increasing numbers amongst people in the last few decades. It later leads to more complicated health issues. Snoring is one such issue, which mostly happens due to OSA.
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Symptoms of sleep disorder

Symptoms of sleep disorder

Sleeping disorder is a situation in which a person cannot sleep frequently or for quite a period of continuous time. A person should get enough time in a day to sleep otherwise it will affect the health and functioning of the body adversely. Not getting sleep for one day is fine, but if a person cannot experience good sleep continuously for more than two-three days, it is a sign of the person having a sleeping disorder and he needs to consult a physician or therapist immediately.
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Recommended treatments for sleep disorder

Recommended treatments for sleep disorder

A good night’s sleep does wonders for our day, kick-starting it in a good, energetic way. It is like an energy booster pack that leads the way for an entire day’s work. If our sleep cycle is disturbed even for a day, it causes distress and problems the next day.
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Most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are those that are caused by one’s own immune system going hyperactive and attacking one’s own body organs. The exact cause as to why the immune system becomes hyperactive is not known. Multiple sclerosis is one like that the immune system attacks the nerves of the central nerve system and that of the brains.
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Must-have nutritious and healthy foods in your meal

Must-have nutritious and healthy foods in your meal

It is often not required to go after out of the season food items to get a healthy and nutritious food. Enough studies have shown naturally grown seasonal food are more nutritious than the more expensive varieties. The hallmark of a nutritious and healthy food is the content than anything else.
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Nutrition through the ages

Nutrition through the ages

Nutrition as an idea actually sprouted eons ago. Th e first record about nutrition was found carved in a stone tablet in Babylon around the time 2500 BC. Those who suffered at that time were given the advice to not eat onions for three days. Studying nutriti on as a subject was, probably, studied in 6th century BC.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

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