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Pneumonia – Causes, signs and treatments

Pneumonia – Causes, signs and treatments

Pneumonia is a bacterial infection that takes place in the lungs. Various symptoms of Pneumonia are visible and may even require immediate hospitalization so that the patient may be treated under intense and appropriate medical care. Yet, for many people, the condition may be treated at home if the bacteria have not progressed to a great degree at the time of diagnosis.
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Make vitamins and calcium a part of your diet to keep arthritis at bay

Make vitamins and calcium a part of your diet to keep arthritis at bay

Arthritis affects your joints as the joints are the places in your body where the pressure of your body or work gets absorbed and evenly distributed. Hence it is mandatory to have your weight in control and in proportion to your height. Having said that, arthritis does not have any real cure on its own, it becomes mandatory to keep a tab on your lifestyle habits.
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Preventive measures for yeast infections

Preventive measures for yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infection also known as candidal vaginitis is caused by the fungus candida albicans. Candida already exists in healthy numbers inside the vagina, but an infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of this yeast. Candidal vaginitis is an extremely common health concern among women. Most vaginal infections are not a sign of any serious health problem, but it is advised that you consult your doctor to clear doubts.
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Natural remedies that lower high blood pressure

Natural remedies that lower high blood pressure

When diagnosed with high blood pressure, you’re bound to worry about some things. Like your medication, its side effects, and of course, your soaring blood pressure. But with a change in lifestyle, a well-balanced diet, and adequate exercise, you will see great results. Here’s a list of natural remedies that can help you:
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Most common colon issues

Most common colon issues

There a number of colon and rectal disease with varying levels of severity which can be anywhere from mild to life-threatening. Some of them can be easily diagnosed, others are a little hard to identify. But here is a compressive list of common colon issues and problems for your reference.
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Natural ways to lower uric acid levels

Natural ways to lower uric acid levels

Increased secretion of uric acid in the bloodstream is associated with a host of health issues. Levels of uric rise when the production of uric acid in the body is unusually high or if the kidneys fail to excrete most of the uric acid produced. Uncontrolled levels of uric acid in the blood can result in the deposition of uric acid crystals in the toes in a condition called gouty arthritis.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Credit unions that have the best 5-year CD rates in the market