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Know about the Types, Causes, and Treatments of Congestive Heart Failure

Know about the Types, Causes, and Treatments of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is a chronic heart problem which affects the pumping ability of the heart muscles. The heart fails to pump efficiently which causes heart failure. Congestive heart failure is high-risk and a life-threatening problem. Treatments for congestive heart failure work wonders to help people struggling with it. What is congestive heart failure?
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All You Need to Know about Blood Glucose Test

All You Need to Know about Blood Glucose Test

A blood glucose test gives a measurement of the glucose or sugar level in the blood. When it comes to energy in the body, there can be no better source than glucose; it’s the major generator of energy. The food we eat contains carbohydrates which are converted into glucose. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the bloodstream.
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7 Ways to Effectively Detect Bed Bugs

7 Ways to Effectively Detect Bed Bugs

Do you wake up with itchy knees or elbows in the morning? Do you often wake up with red marks or patches on your body but cannot find a single insect in your bed? Well, even if you cannot see them in the morning, your bed has been infested by tiny bed bugs, which feed on your blood while you are asleep.
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Here’s What You Need to Know about Probiotics

Here’s What You Need to Know about Probiotics

Probiotics are a recent evolution in human health aspects and many people do not know about it and they generally have a common question, “What are probiotics?”. These are live bacteria and yeasts, which are considered good for health. These have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of a person.
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Effective Tips to Cure Tinnitus Naturally

Effective Tips to Cure Tinnitus Naturally

You might have had that experience where you hear a sound such as ticking or ringing to continuous pure tone that is not from outside of your body. It is also known as ‘ringing in the ears.’ It can affect one in ten adults and is more likely in those over the age group of 60 years.
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11 Easy Tips to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol

11 Easy Tips to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol

People who have high cholesterol levels are at a higher risk of having heart diseases. However, it is always in a person’s hand to maintain a healthy outlook. The bad or LDL cholesterol can always be lowered while the good or HDL cholesterol can be raised. This can be done by adopting the few measures listed below:
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