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Treating Lower Back Pain Through Exercises

Treating Lower Back Pain Through Exercises

Medically referred as ‘lumbar spine,’ the lower back is a complex design of interconnected bones, nerves, ligaments, muscles, and joints. The lumbar spine provides structural support to the body, protect certain body tissues, and help with movement. Lower back pain is quite common in adults. Symptoms The common symptoms displayed when there is a pain in the lower back include:
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Treatment For Congestive Heart Failure What You Need To Know

Treatment For Congestive Heart Failure What You Need To Know

Congestive heart failure is a condition which involves a buildup of fluids around the heart, which in turn affects the pumping and overall functioning of the heart. The heart has four chambers—the upper half houses two atria, while the lower half has two ventricles. The ventricles are responsible for pumping blood to the entire body and organs, while the atria are responsible for receiving blood.
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Spider Bite Identification Everything You Need To Know

Spider Bite Identification Everything You Need To Know

If you think a spider has bitten you, it is harmless in most cases, and you don’t need to panic. Spiders are generally harmless and prefer to hide in the dark. They attack when they feel threatened or when exposed from their hiding space. You will not have to worry if you have a spider bite as most of these bites are harmless.
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Symptoms and Treatment for External Hemorrhoids

Symptoms and Treatment for External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the anal canal. External hemorrhoids refer to enlarged veins beneath the surface of the anal skin. You can see and feel external hemorrhoid as the blood clot surrounds the surface of the anus. External hemorrhoids are not serious but are very painful. The most common causes of external hemorrhoids are prolonged sitting on the toilet, chronic constipation and straining during the bowel movements.
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Understanding the Treatment Options for Stage IV Breast Cancer

Understanding the Treatment Options for Stage IV Breast Cancer

There are 4 stages of breast cancer—stage I, II, III, and IV. Stage IV breast cancer is also known as metastatic or even secondary breast cancer and is the most advanced stage of breast cancer. If left untreated for a long time, then cancer metastasizes (spreads) beyond the breast. Most often, metastatic breast cancer spreads through the lymphatic system to the liver, bones, lungs, and brain.
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What you Need to Know About Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

What you Need to Know About Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

Obstructive sleep apnea better known as snoring, is a potentially fatal disorder. It restraints breathing of the individual during sleep. People use Oral Appliances like mouth guards to control, or stop obstructive sleep apnea. This helps them sleep better and reduce various health risks associated with it. Risks of untreated or undertreated sleep apnea include heart attack, stroke, deadly heart rhythms, mood and memory disorder.
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