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Understanding Ozempic dosage

Understanding Ozempic dosage

Ozempic® injections are recommended to type 2 diabetes patients as a last resort to bring their blood sugar level under control after all other medications have failed to show any positive result. For those who are not acquainted with Ozempic®, you must know that it is a non-insulin subcutaneous injection that acts as a natural hormone in our body and lowers glucagon secretion.
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A Few Things to Know about Huntington’s Disease

A Few Things to Know about Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is a rare genetic health problem that can lead to fatal consequences with the breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. It causes deterioration of a person’s mental and physical abilities during the prime years, and unfortunately, it has no cure. The condition is regarded as a quintessential family ailment because every child with an affected parent has about 50 percent chance of carrying the gene responsible for the disease.
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Get Rid of Dry Scalp with Nature’s Care

Get Rid of Dry Scalp with Nature’s Care

Whether you are a woman or a man, dry scalp is a problem for most of the people without any gender bias. If you have dry scalp, you can relate to persistent itching and irritating feeling in your head as well as very rough hair that is not strong from the roots.
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Tips for Skin Care Treatments During monsoon

Tips for Skin Care Treatments During monsoon

If you rely solely on one skin care treatment or regime throughout the year, then you might need to reconsider. Skin care treatments and the regime needs to be changed according to the weather or the climatic condition that you are witnessing. With monsoon, both your skin and hair start suffering from humidity. The climatic conditions affect your skin and make it look dull.
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Tips to lower LDL cholesterol

Tips to lower LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol or the bad cholesterol builds up in the walls of the arteries and narrows the flow of blood through the arteries. This could lead to hardening of the arteries and then lead to heart attack and can also cause other heart problems or health issues. Causes for increased LDL levels Consuming the wrong type of food items, leading a stressful life, high level of pollution, lack of exercise, and genes could be blamed for the increase in LDL levels.
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Get your dry eyes treated

Get your dry eyes treated

If you are one of those people who work consistently on laptops and PCs then you probably know what we are talking about. We are here to discuss dry eyes, its causes, symptoms, and some eye drop for dry eyes too. But a word of caution, we recommend you consult your ophthalmologist before using them.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Credit unions that have the best 5-year CD rates in the market