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Treatment options for dyskinesia

Treatment options for dyskinesia

Treatment options for dyskinesia Seeking treatment for dyskinesia may get complicated depending on the severity of the disease. Some people try going off the medication levodopa altogether as most doctors agree that this medication is the primary cause for the condition. However, if you are off levodopa, you face a new set of challenges.
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7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis

7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis

7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis Psoriasis arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin causing red patches, development of flakes and inflammation. Two to three percent of the world’s population has psoriasis, with about 8 million affected people from the US alone. Patients with psoriasis tend to develop an inflammatory form of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis.
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7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver

7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver

Liver functioning is an essential process of the human body. The liver is required to help detox your body, break down carbohydrates, make glucose, store all the nutrients and produce bile. Bile liquid is required to absorb all the nutrients and digest them by giving a proper metabolism to the body.
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6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair

6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair

By following a healthy balanced diet, your hair can become stronger and shinier. Consumption of the right kind of food can also prevent the loss of hair. If a person does not get certain nutrients through their diet, they may see the consequences result in hair loss and hair thinning.  Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids assure nourishment to the entire head, including the hair shaft as well as the membranes of the cell in one’s scalp.
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5 healthy snack options to improve diabetes

5 healthy snack options to improve diabetes

Diabetes is a deadly disease, not simply because of its symptoms but due to other complications it can cause. In this condition, the blood sugar levels or glucose levels are much higher than usual, and it can lead to many other problems like cancer, heart problems, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.
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Follow these tips to effectively manage multiple myeloma symptoms

Follow these tips to effectively manage multiple myeloma symptoms

Multiple myeloma is a cancer wherein the body’s plasma cells are affected. The American Cancer Society reports that over 30,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with the disease in recent times. Although the disease is not preventable, there are foods that help you to effectively manage multiple myeloma and its symptoms.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

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