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Different Procedures to Treat the Complications of Atrial Fibrillation

Different Procedures to Treat the Complications of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation or AFib is the most common of all kinds of serious heart arrhythmia. The main cause behind it is abnormal electrical signals in the heart. These signals cause the upper chambers or the atria of your heart to quiver and fibrillate. This fibrillation results in irregular and fast heartbeat.
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How Diabetes Causes Foot Problems

How Diabetes Causes Foot Problems

Diabetes is a medical condition associated with the lack of insulin which is a hormone released by the pancreas. Insulin helps convert glucose from food into energy. Due to the lack of insulin, glucose stays in the blood; high glucose levels can cause health problems. A diabetic person can develop various health issues such as heart diseases, eye problems, and nerves damage.
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How Can You Control Blood Glucose?

How Can You Control Blood Glucose?

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases. Controlling diabetes will ensure that you live a normal and healthy life. What Is Normal Blood glucose level? To control your blood glucose level, you should know what the ideal glucose level is. Monitoring your blood glucose level on a daily basis is imperative.
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Knee Pain and Its Replacement by Various Treatments

Knee Pain and Its Replacement by Various Treatments

Knee pain is a common problem that arises in knee joints, kneecap, ligaments, and cartilage of the knee. It is a common complaint faced by people of all age groups most of which is the result of an injury. It is one of the most common problems faced by the aged patients above 50 years of age.
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Causes and Relief Measures for Toe Pain

Causes and Relief Measures for Toe Pain

Toe pain has many causes. Since there are many joints in these small digits, any injury can cause acute pain. It is important to find the causes of the pain, before picking the right treatment. Causes of Toe Pain Toe pain can result from a direct injury like a stubbed toe, or it can be the symptom or effect, or other disorders.
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Here are Your Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Here are Your Treatment Options For Hip Pain

The hip is one of the most important joints in our body. It is a pivotal joint, designed to withstand repeated motion and different types of movement. The cartilage between the joints and the muscles in this region protects the hip joint from many types of injuries. Hip pain is one of the most common types of pain experienced by people.
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