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7 Effective Tips to Treat Constipation

7 Effective Tips to Treat Constipation

These days, constipation has become a common ailment to such an extent that most people consider it an integral part of their life. And nothing other than the modern day lifestyle can be blamed for it. Some of the most common causes of constipation include junk foods, abuse of alcohol, smoking and eating more than required.
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The Constant Issues of Burning Foot Pain

The Constant Issues of Burning Foot Pain

Burning foot pain is one of the most common complaints observed in people nowadays. People often seek medical assistance for their condition. Usually, this condition is a result of a damaged nerve in the foot or the leg. A damaged nerve can be caused due to an injury or other medical conditions such as diabetes.
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Knowing the Causes of Colitis and Preparing to Fight its Symptoms

Knowing the Causes of Colitis and Preparing to Fight its Symptoms

Colitis is a medical condition that refers to the inflammation of the inner lining of your colon (or the large intestine). Numerous factors can lead to colitis, including infections and allergic reactions. When you have colitis, you will feel discomfort and pain in your abdomen. This pain will occur in varying degrees, ranging from mild to sharp pain, recurring over a long period of time.
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10 Effective Ways to Get Your Bladder under Control

10 Effective Ways to Get Your Bladder under Control

One of the most challenging health issues faced both by men and women today is the bladder controlling issues. This is a major problem, which generally takes place when there are health issues like post-pregnancy condition in females or a prostrate misbalance in males. To control this unconventional issue and help patients cope with it, there are many different yet good ladder control products available, which are now being used in high numbers.
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Include These Foods in Your Grocery List to Lower Triglycerides Levels

Include These Foods in Your Grocery List to Lower Triglycerides Levels

Are you wondering how to lower the extra triglycerides from your body? If so, then why not alter your dietary plan and see the change yourself. A simple addition of proper nutrients, vegetables, and fruits can bring down the triglycerides levels from the blood. So, before we go ahead with what dietary changes you should make in order to control the rising triglycerides levels from the blood, the perfect diet to lower triglycerides needs to be a wholesome one.
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Effective Ways to Lower Uric Acid Levels

Effective Ways to Lower Uric Acid Levels

Kidneys excrete different types of wastes that metabolism produces; this waste is then removed from the body through the urine. Metabolism eliminates nitrogenous waste through the kidneys along with the conversion of food into energy, proteins, lipid, carbohydrates and nucleic acid. Normally, the uric acid gets out of the system from the urine and some of it also goes out from the stool.
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