Commonly Ignored Indicators Of ADHD In Adults
One of the very common psychiatric conditions that affect both children and adults is ADHD. However, many of the symptoms that are associated with ADHD often are dismissed as being a personality quirk or merely attributed to stress. Hence, the condition goes untreated resulting in a number of physical and mental health complications. Here is an overview of some of the common signs that are likely to be indicative of ADHD in adults.
Lack of time management skills – adults who have ADHD are usually very poor in terms of managing time-based activities and completing tasks on time. Either they tend to lose focus and get easily distracted, thereby taking inordinately longer than a given task warrants.

Memory loss – As we age, it might be common to experience some small slips of memory, but these are usually occasional. For those with ADHD, memory loss is a persistent and frequent aspect of their lives. They have trouble remembering where they kept something and often may also forget parts of direct conversations they have had.
Disorganization – at times, we may find our lives very chaotic with multiple tasks piling up. However, people with ADHD find it very hard to organize themselves or prioritize the performance of tasks. As a result, they tend to give more importance to insignificant tasks while neglecting to perform essential ones. At times, this lack of organization may also filter through to their sense of grooming and presentation.
Impulsive behavior – Some adults with ADHD tend to be very impulsive in terms of interrupting conversations, adopting socially inappropriate behavior with little or no sensitivity to space, time and relationship.