Leading Website Builders in the Market
A website builder is a tool that is used for creating and designing a website. It doesn’t use a manual code editor for designing the website and is categorized into two types: offline software and online proprietary tool. Offline software helps in creating pages that will be published on the website.
Website Builders are also known as website design software. The online proprietary tool is used for developing private websites. Any alternative tools that you want to be activated on your website can be installed with the help of this tool.
Job roles of the website builders
In general, the function or the job role of the website builder is to design or create a website according to the requirement of SEO, which can be published on different web pages.

This will help them to design the website according to their need. The other job roles of a website builder include solving of code problems; create a backup facility for files, webpage layout designing and lots more. Editing and writing content and updating of websites are also there in the list.
Benefits of using website builders
Website builders have numerous immaculate features that help people rely on it for creating and designing their website. Some of the latest features of the website builders are given below:
– Eliminates the usages of the in-depth coding
– Increases the visual appealing of the websites
– Gives access to the people to know about the services
– Makes the website easy to use
Leading website builders and their features
There are numerous website builders across the globe. Not all of them are famous for their features and services. Among them, there are only a few who are famous in terms of services as well as features. Here are the details of some of the leading website builders with their salient features:
– Squarespace
It is regarded as the most famous and unmatched website builder in the world a person can look for. Its outstanding services and features have impeccably remarked in this respective field. Its amazing features are divided into a number of categories such as designs, image manager, galleries, audio collections, layout-engine 2, user data collection, site control, and cover pages. Multiple contributors, blogging, email, and commerce are some of its outstanding services.
– Wix
Recently, this builder has developed new designing software known as the Wix ADI for instant creation and design of the website. It is also a well-known website builder which has some exceptional features for the people. These features include design freedom, stunning templates, app market, mobile optimization, unlimited fonts, media galleries, and scroll effects.
– WordPress
WordPress is regarded as the multi-functional builder that has a number of roles to play. It has substantially contributed to the development of many websites. Therefore, it has unlimited features and services which have made this as the best solution for website designing. The main features of WordPress include responsive design, social sharing facility, and styles of multiple pages, support auto upgrade, and multiple widgets.
– Weebly
Weebly is one of the few website builders that offer the drag-and-drop facility. The specialty of this builder is that it offers the designers to use a smartphone for developing and publishing of the website. It has an integration that provides you with 23 apps for making your website more useful and appealing to the viewers. You can get the free sub-domain that will help you to publish your website on the webpage.
A website builder is necessary for developing a website. The leading website builders are more preferable due to their exceptional services and features which will make your website professional.