Rheumatoid Arthritis and Types of Doctors who can Undertake Treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that is responsible for causing chronic inflammation of the joints. This is an autoimmune disease, which means that the tissues of the body are reverse attacked by the immune system of the human body. The immune system is made up of various cells and antibodies that are designed to destroy the elements that affect the body such as infections. Although rheumatoid arthritis is particularly associated with inflammation of the joints, it can also affect other parts of the body.
The real cause of this disease is not known; however, rheumatoid doctors suspect that infections carried in the form of fungi, bacteria, and viruses can have a strong role to play.

There are various complications that come with rheumatoid arthritis. As mentioned above, not only does it inflame bone joints but also other organs and elements of the body. Inflammation of the glands of the mouth and eyes can be very dangerous, especially to the eyes. It especially causes dryness and thereby makes vision blurry. Rheumatoid arthritis is also very much likely to affect and inflame the lining of the lungs; thereby, leading to several complications such as dry cough and difficulty in breathing.
The symptoms that are accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis may be difficult to understand, especially for a layman. The symptoms come and go, depending on the inflammation in the parts of the body. When a disease is inactive, an individual is not likely to suffer from any kind of symptoms. Different individuals will experience different kinds of signs and symptoms. A person can feel a sudden stiffness in the body followed by lack of energy and poor appetite. Children too can be at the receiving end of this disease and signs such as constant crying, limping, and loss of appetite should be looked out for. Rheumatoid arthritis doctors have to undertake several tests before diagnosing a patient with the disease. It is based on the study of various joints and a combination of swelling and inflammation. However, in many cases, it has been found that there are some joint pains that may imply rheumatoid arthritis, but it may not be the case.
The types of rheumatoid arthritis doctors who can diagnose and undertake treatment include the following:
Family physician
If one experience any signs or symptoms that lead you to think that you have rheumatoid arthritis then should first make a stop to the family physician. The family physician knows a patient’s case history in terms of lifestyle and other factors and can help in effective diagnosis. Moreover, the doctor can help in referring the case to rheumatoid arthritis doctors or rheumatologist for further treatment.
Orthopedic surgeon
An orthopedic surgeon is one who has deep knowledge about bone diseases and specializes in treating joint and bone fractures. Once an individual is diagnosed with rheumatoid, he/she may be asked to undergo a surgery for the joints and muscles. This is generally undertaken by the orthopedic surgeon.
Rheumatologists are special rheumatoid arthritis doctors who have undergone special study in understanding joint disease and immunology. Any person who is diagnosed with this disease will have to see a rheumatologist who will understand the issue and help in coping with the symptoms that come with this condition. He/She will determine the best way to treat and combat further damage to the body.
These are doctors who specialize in restoring the physical movement of individuals. They help the person suffering from physical pain to regain lost function through the help of several kinds of physical exercises and other activities. If an individual is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a physiotherapist can add to the contribution of rheumatoid arthritis doctors by fastening the process of joint movement and strength. Moreover, a physiotherapist can help in providing activities that will reduce the pain that comes with this disease.
Occupational therapist
Once an individual suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, it is very common for one’s movement and function to be affected. Mobility becomes an issue and performing the smallest task can lead to severe pain the joints of the body. An occupational therapist is trained to help people with disabilities to learn to carry out daily task more comfortable. An individual who suffers from rheumatoid may be asked to visit an occupational therapist by rheumatoid arthritis doctors.
An individual who thinks that he/she suffers from rheumatoid arthritis should provide the rheumatoid arthritis doctor with all symptoms. This will help the doctor diagnose the disease effectively and map out the best treatment procedure.