Some great sites that provide the best credit reports
It is estimated that one out of every five people has an error on their credit reports, some of which are serious enough to cause them to lose a sizeable sum of money through paying more on loans and insurance payments than they have to. The best credit reports are ones that have come from all of the three agencies, Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, so that you can verify if all the information provided is accurate. The credit report provider needs to be reliable in that your identity or any other information relating to you is not made vulnerable to theft or fraud.

The following sites provide some of the best credit reports:
Identity Guard: This credit report site is useful for those who just want to monitor their credit. Those who want to give responsibility to good hands and they do not have to worry about it, find Identity Guard quite appealing. Identity Guard requires you to check up on them only once a month and even if you don’t, it is all right because they will contact you if and when necessary. Identity Guard charges $15 monthly to get credit reports from all the three companies. They also offer you a free 30-day trial period.
MyFICO: This is excellent for people looking to improve their credit scores. Its credit report service ensures that you get the highest FICO score possible. MyFICO makes it easier for you to track your credit scores and improve it. It is more expensive than most with its monthly charge of $30, but it is worth it if it helps increase your credit score. Credit reports, on a good day, are never easy to understand. MyFICO contextualizes everything you need to know about your credit report on a single screen. To get everything in detail, you just have to click on the information contextualized. MyFICO has a score simulator. This shows you what you can do to improve your credit by allowing you to experiment with scenarios that could affect your credit score such as going for a new credit card and making payments on time. If you want to apply for a home loan MyFICO simulates actions that can build a credit score. It can also show you how your credit score will look after a few months. Using the score simulator is also helpful because it will show how each credit bureau gives points for each action. For example, if you consolidate your credit balances, TransUnion will increase your score by ten points whereas Experian will deduct it by ten points. This is because each credit bureau assesses credit data differently. Their valuation for each credit data is also different. MyFICO helps plan how to boost a credit score even if you have to do it within a month. It is so thorough as to allow you to combine actions into multilevel scenarios. MyFICO also has a mobile app that shows your credit score, sends alerts and has a graph that shows how your credit score keeps changing. Sometimes, when you make changes, like, making your monthly payments on time, for instance, you will notice that your TransUnion score goes up but comes down if you make purchases using your credit card. Your Equifax score will go up and not come down even if you make purchases, but your Experian score will not change at all. Should you find any errors in your credit reports, MyFICO makes it easy for you to dispute it by providing a link that helps you access instructions towards filing a dispute. MyFICO also tracks your credit and your everyday transactions, keeping an eye out for identity thefts, and if there is a potential identity theft situation, it alerts you about it.