Top Pain Relievers in the Country
Aches and pains are almost inevitable no matter how hard you try to stay healthy. Pain can be caused due to a lot of conditions and even diseases. Moreover, it can be mild or can go on to be really troublesome. Thankfully, there are a variety of pain relievers available in the market today. These pain relievers can help you get through the pain and you can get on with your daily activities. Whether it is your back that is bothering you or a headache, painkillers always provide the much needed temporary relief.
TYLENOL® Extra Strength Caplets
This is the best pain reliever that you should have at all times.

Aleve Caplets
If you are facing back pain, then Aleve is a great choice as it is considered one of the best pain relievers. It targets inflammation that often contributes to back pain.
Excedrin® Extra Strength Caplets
According to a lot of customer surveys, nothing provides relief for a headache like the Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets. It has a high amount of coffee that tremendously helps with headaches and within the time span of 15 minutes, you can experience relief. So if you are suffering from headaches, then Excedrin is one of the best pain relievers out there. Be careful while taking it at night as it can potentially interfere with your sleep.
Pamprin® Maximum Strength
Periods can be really painful, and if you have an important task or a meeting on the same day, then painkillers provide the needed relief. Pamprin is really effective in dealing with the side effects of periods such as headaches, irritability, and cramps. It also helps with water retention and all the weight gain that happens due to it. Thus, if you are looking for pills for periods, then Pamprin is among the best pain relievers. Women have reported that this is indeed very helpful and say that they always carry one strip with them at all times.
Advil® Liqui-Gels®
Exercise is excellent for our health and is very crucial for the overall well being of the body. However, it can also cause muscle pain and when you feel as if you cannot take it anymore, then Advil can come in handy. It is known to help with not only the pain and headache but also inflammation. Loyal customers always buy Advil as it is proven for providing relief from pain. The liquid gels are very easy to swallow which is why people prefer them. Apart from helping with muscle aches, the liquid gel pain reliever also helps fevers and headaches.
Biofreeze Classic Pain Relief Gel
If you are suffering from arthritis, then having Biofreeze by the side will always be a good idea. It has a gel formula that is very easy to apply wherever you are feeling the pain. Whether the joint pain is due to weather, age, or due to any rigorous movement, you are sure to get pain relief. It is perfect for providing temporary relief and you do not have to go for prescribed medicines. You may also get it in a spray formula as it will be very easy to apply.
Excedrin® Migraine Geltabs
When it comes to migraines, Excedrin Migraine gel tabs are the best pain relievers. For most of the migraine cases, you might need a prescription, but Excedrin is a pill that you can get over the counter. Moreover, it can also help with sensitivity to light and sound as well as nausea. These symptoms are usually associated with migraines. It works quickly and taking the pills will provide you with instant relief.
Thus, the above-mentioned products are the best pain relievers available in the country. Whether it is menstrual cramps that you are experiencing or a headache, these medicines will help a lot in relieving the pain.