Various work cultures and its influence on a company profile
A great company culture shapes the reputation of a company. It is also one of the main factors that keep the employee retained in the company. In today’s business world, every employer considers a great work culture to be as important as salary and other company benefits. All-in-all, when candidates come in for an interview, they do their part of the research and look up for the work culture that also helps a company to stand out from the rest. It is to be noted here, that a work culture might work for a particular company and not work for another.

A friendly office environment
No employee can beat having colleagues who are friendly, understanding and pleasant. A team-oriented work culture keeps every member of the team motivated and engaged in the work. Even if the work is tedious or tiring, these work cultures help to be inspired. Some basic things such as meetings at casual places other than office cabins or free meals, etc. help to keep the work environment-friendly.
Events and programs
Some of the top companies to work for have a dedicated team who strive to come up with innovative ideas and organize events for the employees.
Offering a sense of safety
Not every company culture has to do with ping pong tables and free beverages. A basic sense of safety is enough to keep your employees captivated. Most of the top companies have an inbuilt gymnasium or joggers park inside the office campus. These facilities help the employees to keep themselves fit even during long working hours. There are some of the companies that also invest in health-oriented programs, spa centers, and health club memberships.
A flat organizational hierarchy
Every employee wants that his or her opinion is heard. In this case, a flat organizational hierarchy helps every employee to speak up about their views. It is also important that there is a direct access to the management, which has a deep impact on the employees and develops a sense of responsibility and confidence.