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Garmin – The brand story

Garmin – The brand story

Garmin is a popular multi-national brand based in America, which runs on the basis of a technology developed by Gary Burrell and Min Kao in 1989. This brand was born in Kansas, Texas and has since taken over the global street pilot, fitness, communication and wrist wear markets, thanks to its tryst with technology and sleek good looks.
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Mobility solutions from Tomtom GPS

Mobility solutions from Tomtom GPS

Tomtom GPS is a company well known for their traffic applications like navigation aids, maps, etc. One of their navigation aids is GO. The latest GO navigation aids seamlessly and integrates with smartphones. It can read out text messages and allows full use of the phone’s personal assistant. It can update the maps through the built in WiFi.
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An Overview of Tomtom GPS

An Overview of Tomtom GPS

Tomtom GPS is a company engaged in the manufacturing of GPS aided appliances and other applications that seek to enhance their already existing line of products. The company specializes in the field of fleet and public travel. Millions of people need to travel from one place to another and the company concentrates on providing smart devices to help this segment.
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Top 4 car GPS systems to know about

Top 4 car GPS systems to know about

It is probably hard to imagine a life before GPS systems were introduced. And because they are so convenient, they have become a significant component of every car. However, if you are ready to purchase your new car, choosing the right GPS can be a daunting task. So, to assist you, here are the top car GPS systems that you must know about.  Boss Audio Systems GPS Navigation If you are looking for an advanced GPS system, then this can definitely be an excellent choice.
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Need for GPS systems for transit fleets

Need for GPS systems for transit fleets

Fleet management for transit fleet operators is slightly different as their requirements need other facilities than the commercial, engineering and other routine managerial requirements of truck fleet operators. Taking inter and intrastate passengers transport requires additional requirements of passenger safety and conveniences to be looked after. Another activity the transit fleet operators undertake is managing the logistical requirements of events of even state, national and international dimensions.
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Commercial Applications of GPS

Commercial Applications of GPS

When combined with other IT based technologies, one’s own imagination and innovativeness seems to be the only limit to the applications. The first civilian department to use GPS was the survey department. The advantages to survey was so huge that the then US president ordered to share the GPS data for civilian use.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Credit unions that have the best 5-year CD rates in the market