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Car navigation with GPS

Car navigation with GPS

Vehicle navigation is one application of all the aspects of GPS Systems that the common man uses the most. With the advent of smartphones which are GPS-incorporated, car navigation has become immensely popular. However, it has introduced a limitation that an internet or a mobile service is necessary for its operation.
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Garmin Golf GPS – an overview

Garmin Golf GPS – an overview

Garmin Golf GPS is a company that specializes in the manufacture of GPS aided devices. The company started from a discussion between a few engineers that they had way back in the year 1989. Thier idea was to form a company which will make innovative GPS-aided devices to enrich the lives of their customers.
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History of the Global Positioning System (GPS)

History of the Global Positioning System (GPS)

Necessity is the mother of invention so goes the adage. In many of the really innovative and revolutionary inventions, war had been the mother. Global Positioning System or GPS, the very first of the many inventions, is a product that was primarily developed and meant for war. After Russia launched their satellite Sputnik’ in 1957, two scientists in the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Howard County, Maryland, USA wanted to find a way to predict its position in its orbit.
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Fleet tracking GPS systems- an overview

Fleet tracking GPS systems- an overview

Fleet Tracking Systems, currently known as Fleet tracker GPS, are a typical application which demonstrate the versatility of IT solutions when coupled with GPS systems. There are fleet tracking systems to practically suit the individual owner of a few vehicles to large companies owning large number of vehicles operating over vast, inter and intra-state networks.
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