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5 breast cancer medications approved by the FDA

5 breast cancer medications approved by the FDA

Among women, breast cancer is known to be the most diagnosed cancer after skin cancer. It develops in the cells of the breasts. Although it can occur in both men and women, breast cancer is known to be more common among women. There are no known exact causes of this type of cancer; most often it is genetic.
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5 Different Types of Eczema

5 Different Types of Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes itchy, inflamed and red. In the United States, this non-contagious skin disease is quite common and affects almost 30 million people. Different types of eczema have different symptoms as well as triggers. Understanding the triggers and the symptoms are important for getting the right treatment at the right time.
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6 Effective Ways to Get Relief from Chronic Arthritis Pain Naturally

6 Effective Ways to Get Relief from Chronic Arthritis Pain Naturally

Arthritis is a degenerative and painful condition usually marked by an inflammation of the joints, which causes pain and stiffness. Traditionally, with various anti-inflammatory medications, the arthritis pain can be dealt with. However, such medications can cause several side effects as well. Hence, it is always advisable to consult a medical expert before taking any medication.
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4 Best Treatment Options for Cancer

4 Best Treatment Options for Cancer

Cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease which often leads to a long-term treatment that may or may not succeed. It is a disease which occurs from the unwarranted growth of cells which later go on to form malignant tumors in several parts of the body. If not treated, it spreads very quickly to all parts of the body, thereby blocking functional body systems.
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10 Reasons of Shoulder Pain

10 Reasons of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be caused locally or arise from surrounding muscles, tissues and bones. The shoulder is the most movable and unstable joint in the body, considering the range of motion it is allowed. To relieve minor pains, one can try painkillers, heating pad or ice packs. However, in case of severe, persistent pain it is advisable to seek medical attention.
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3 Possible Reasons for Groin Pain

3 Possible Reasons for Groin Pain

Groin pain can be extremely uncomfortable and unsettling. Be it due to some injury or some underlying condition, you need to seek immediate treatment. To put into perspective, you are experiencing pain below the beltline, you just have to find out the reasons for the same. At times the underlying cause of the pain may be due to your daily routine and simple tasks that you undergo.
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