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5 things to consider when choosing a dentist

5 things to consider when choosing a dentist

Your dentist will most likely be your dental healthcare partner for a long time. Hence, it is imperative that you choose the right dentist for yourself as well as your family. Apart from experience and expertise, you need to consider many other factors, so that you don’t end up spending too much money, time or effort in reaching your doctor.
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5 things to know about Lupus

5 things to know about Lupus

Lupus is basically an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own organs and tissues. Lupus patients experience tissue damage in various parts of the body including heart, joints, brain, lungs, kidney, and the endocrine glands including thyroid, adrenals, and many more. According to a research, 90 percent of lupus patients are women.
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5 Symptoms Of Diabetes you should be aware of

5 Symptoms Of Diabetes you should be aware of

Diabetes is the talk of the town at the moment with everyone from the age of Justin Bieber to Al Pacino being susceptible to this sugar monster. Let’s look at what the disease is and what are the symptoms associated with it. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a medical condition where the sugar content in your bloodstream is higher than the recommended levels.
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4 things you should know about good dental health

4 things you should know about good dental health

Dental health is a sign of your overall health. There are several people who ignore it unless there is an immediate and unavoidable problem that requires treatment. Brushing twice a day isn’t enough. There are several measures you have to take to ensure that your teeth stay white and healthy.
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4 surprising things your joint pain is trying to tell you

4 surprising things your joint pain is trying to tell you

Any damage that occurs to the joints from any injury or any disease can bring about certain inhibitions in the body’s movements. It is known to cause a pain in the body. The pain and the inflammation that arise in the joints is known as joint pain. Although joint pain is common, the reasons for it can be pretty diverse.
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4 ways to get affordable senior dental implants

4 ways to get affordable senior dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most viable and practical options for seniors who are tackling with missing teeth. Although, the total cost incurred for a dental implant procedure can be a bit too expensive for seniors. This is because most seniors are retired, and this situation limits their spending capacity.
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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Credit unions that have the best 5-year CD rates in the market