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4 Major Causes of Hand Numbness

4 Major Causes of Hand Numbness

Hand numbness is one of the many conditions you do not want to suffer from. Imagine touching a chilled or extremely hot appliance and feeling no sensation in your fingers. Scary, right? This is exactly what happens in hand numbness. While some cases are mild and go away with time, other cases affect the nerves and blood vessels in the hands permanently.
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5 frequently asked questions answered about multiple myeloma

5 frequently asked questions answered about multiple myeloma

What is multiple myeloma? Multiple myeloma is the cancer that occurs in the plasma cells. As you know, plasma cells are a type of white blood cells which is responsible for maintaining the immune system of the body. Plasma cells are found in the bone marrow and produces antibodies to protect your body from catching infections.
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5 common fungal infections of the skin

5 common fungal infections of the skin

The skin is the most commonly affected part when fungal infection strikes. Fungus thrive on warm moist areas. They sustain on protein keratin. Hence, fungal infections commonly occur on skin, hair and nails, since these parts are primarily made of keratin. If you tend to sweat profusely, you might suffer from frequent bouts of fungal infections.
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5 major causes of chronic cough

5 major causes of chronic cough

When your body is attacked by vicious external agents, it can fight back only for a while. What these “agents of destruction” need is a small lapse in your body’s protective shield and then you experience interruptions in your normal bodily functions. One such annoying scenario is when you wake up coughing incessantly.
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5 home remedies for sinus congestion relief

5 home remedies for sinus congestion relief

Do you often suffer from acute sinus congestion? then throbbing pains all over your face and head, tired eyes, stuffed nose, difficulty in breathing, and a constant feeling of fatigue are your regular companions when your nasal tissues get inflamed or are irritated. It is especially annoying when you have to wake up in the middle of the night with a bad attack of sinus congestion.
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5 common FAQs regarding kidney stones

5 common FAQs regarding kidney stones

A disorder of any kind is bound to cause a tremendous amount of unease to the person afflicted by it. No matter how trivial or serious your ailment is, questions are going to pop up. Kidney disorders are a wide-spread phenomenon and can affect anyone and everyone and there are plenty of questions that are raised if you are suffering from the most common kidney disorder”kidney stones.
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